Online CME Overview

Providing Online Learning for CME

Discounted Continuing Education Accounts

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Skip Navigation Links. 1. Email Address and Password
2. Account Details
3. CEU/Subscription Account
4. Memberships / Licensing
5. Save my Information
Email and Password
For help click here.

Due to the planned decommissioning of the OLC, please be aware of the following upcoming changes relating to new registrations:

  • Beginning on December 1, 2020: No new registrations accepted for new users except Philips employees.
  • Beginning on January 18, 2021: No new registrations accepted for Philips employees.

Please begin entering the following information to become a Learning Center user.
All *Fields are Required:
(Your email address will be used to log-in and it must be validated before your registration will be completed.)
*Re-type your Email address:
*Create/change Password:
*Re-type your Password:
X Help for Registering
New Registrant
Enter a VALID email address. We do not sell or give our database information out to anyone! Enter a password that you will remember. Passwords are not case sensitive. Remember strong passwords include numbers, letters, and characters, example: 159deck!* If you have previously registered on the Philips Learning Center DO NOT re-register using a different email address! Instead login using your previous information and then update your profile to reflect the changes.
X Philips Employee
If you are a Philips Healthcare employee, please enter your TMS Login ID in this field; if you do not know your TMS Login ID, please click here to send an email request for your login ID: Please note that your 8- or 9-digit Philips U.S. PACE employee ID is no longer valid in this field.
X Memberships / Licensing
If you belong to one or more of these groups, just check the box or boxes and you will be asked to enter member or group information. This information is required so that it is included on your certificate of continuing education. Please note that you may pick more than one group, e.g. you may be a Florida Radiologic Technologist and an ASRT member. You may change or add membership information at a later date by going to "My Accounts - My Profile". If you are not a member or part of any of these groups, you are welcome to register as a general medical professional by proceeding to the next step to choose your content focus.
X CEU Accounts
CEU accounts are special Learning Center accounts that are set up by the Learning Center administrator. These accounts normally include a set number of CEUs to be accessed by department members and are typically part of contracts or agreements such as equipment service contracts, strategic agreements, bulk purchases of CEUs, etc.

What is a CEU Account ID or Site ID?

All you need to access the CEUs if you have a Philips Service Agreement is your Philips equipment Site ID which is posted on the equipment. Anyone in your department can access the CEUs directly with this Site ID. Your name does not need to be added to the account by your department manager for you to have access to the CEUs. If you do not know your Site ID, please ask your department manager or do a search using the Look-up Tool. You can search by facility name and address or you can search by any Site ID / Service Contract # for your facility. Please enter your Site ID where it says "Enter CEU Account ID or Site ID Here".

Some older accounts use a CEU Account ID:

A CEU Account ID is a unique alphanumeric ID provided to you by your department manager. This ID is assigned to your name only. Your name is added to the CEU Account by your department manager. This would apply to all CEU Accounts that have been set-up on the Learning Center prior to December 15, 2006. If you have a CEU Account set-up before December 15, 2006, please ask your department manager to assign you a special code (CEU Account ID) so that you can access your CEUs. Please enter your CEU Account ID where it says "Enter CEU Account ID or Site ID Here". You will not be able to seach for the ID using the Look-up Tool since the IDs are assigned by your department manager.

If you believe that you should have access to a CEU Account, please discuss with your department manager or please contact the Philips Learning Center at
X Help for LifeLine Group Code